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Days of International Education (Baltics), Oct 2025

Days of International Education are the biggest public education abroad fairs in the Baltics with a well-known brand name in this region and beyond. Every year international education providers meet face-to-face with approximately 10 000 visitors – schoolchildren and their parents, young people, students, adults, representatives from companies and organisations, local education providers and the mass media.
The fair which is organied by the leading educational agencies Baltic Council for International Education (BCIE) - BCIE Estonia, BCIE Latvia, BCIE Lithuania, and Meridian Group is taking place in the following cities, including 3 Baltic capitals on the following dates:

October 09, 2025, Tallinn, Estonia, Radisson Blu Hotel Olympia;

October 11, 2025, Riga, Latvia, Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija;

October 12, 2025, Vilnius, Lithuania, Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva;

More than 80 educational institutions will present the following study programmes:
- language courses for different age groups worldwide;
- vacation courses for juniors;
- higher education programmes (Bachelor, Master, MBA, Foundation);
- secondary education programmes at private boarding schools and colleges;
- study programmes at state schools and colleges in Europe, the USA, Canada and other countries;
- further education and professional colleges;
- teacher training courses;
- executive courses and programmes;
- distance learning and international exams.

If you are an education provider looking for more information and the application procedure then please visit the EDUCATORS section.

If you plan to attend the fairs as a visitor, please go to the VISITORS section.


Baltic Council Fairs, participants' feedback and impressions:

Baltic Council

The fairs are extremely well-organized. The students that come here are highly motivated and genuinely interested in studying abroad. I would definitely recommend attending the Baltic Council fairs.

Iris Posthumus
University College Groningen

This is my fourth year attending. It’s always a pleasure to visit your fair – it’s effective, and I look forward to participating in more of your events in the future.

Sjors Helderman
Wimbledon School of English

The event was very professional, and the marketing was excellent. There were hundreds of students, and our stand was constantly busy. The students were well-prepared and highly motivated.

Gellért Szarvas
Centria University of Applied Sciences

Brilliant day today, almost lost my voice. A lot of interesting students and parents looking for courses this summer. An amazing event!

Spencer Fordham
Capital School of English Bournemouth



Educators should fist select the event they would like to register for. Then go to the Educators section and click APPLY NOW. 

We normally offer the early bird discounts ranging between 15 % to 5 % depending on the time of booking.

The fees include: participation in the fairs, brief information in the fair’s guides, name badges, workplace with Wi-Fi, coffee breaks & snacks, evening receptions & dinners, promotion of the event in local mass media, coach transfers between the cities.

Yes, education providers can choose to participate in any locations.

Yes, you can book the place at the fair and provide the names of your representatives later - 1 month before the fair.

No, accommodation has to be chosen in the Application Form and paid extra in addition to participation fees.

The profile for the fair's guide should be sent approximately 8 weeks before the event. 

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