If you have any questions regarding participation or any practicalities of our fairs, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Baltic Council for International Education
Brentwood School (Great Britain)
Dusemond Study Programmes (Great Britain)
Educatius Group (Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)
Eindhoven University of Technology (the Netherlands)
Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology (Canada)
Felsted School (Great Britain)
Franklin College (USA)
Fontys University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
Green River College (USA)
Hanze University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
HZ University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
International House London (Great Britain)
IT:U Interdisciplinary Transformation University Austria (Austria)
Leeds Conservatoire (Great Britain)
Leysin American School (Switzerland)
Merito Universities Group (Poland)
Modul University Vienna (Austria)
Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria)
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
Richmond American University London (Great Britain)
St Clare's, Oxford (Great Britain)
St. Michaels University School (Canada)
Study in the Netherlands
Taunton School (Great Britain)
UCAS Information Centre
University College Groningen (the Netherlands)
University College Roosevelt (the Netherlands)
Universität Klagenfurt (Austria)
Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
VIVES University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)